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updated: Jun 17 2008 Logo

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Jodd::Meet the Team
*You've got to give great tools to small teams. (Bil Gates)

najgor - he doesn't speak anything else then Java, so click here to see what he can say about himself.

indianaIndiana J. jr - last time he has been seen in Africa's savannas, trying to solve the great mystery of lost exception. He is not a guy you will like to mess with. He devoted his life to Jodd and he doesn't use any other libraries. And this is about all what we are allowed to say about him...

agnesAgnes - probably the best looking girl that knows what Java is. Do not ask us for a photo, e-mail or IM contact, she is very shy. When she is not working on Jodd, she likes to shop, surf, and is looking for a matches who will completely understand her soul and the Jodd.