Package jodd.proxetta

Proxetta creates the fastest proxy subclasses in an easy, java-friendly way.


Interface Summary
MethodSignature Method signature provides various information about the method.
ProxyAdvice ProxyAdvice is the code portion of an aspect, i.e. the logic that replaces crosscutting concern.
ProxyPointcut Pointcut is a set of points in the application where advice should be applied, i.e.

Class Summary
AnnotationData Annotation data for method signatures.
Proxetta Proxetta creates dynamic proxy classes in the run-time.
ProxyAspect Proxy aspect contains advice and pointcut rules for applying advice.
ProxyTarget Marker class for proxy implementations.

Exception Summary

Package jodd.proxetta Description

Proxetta creates the fastest proxy subclasses in an easy, java-friendly way.

Proxy is defined by an aspect: advice and pointcut. Proxetta proxy implementation is all about wrapping target methods at defined pointcuts with advice's methods. Advice's methods intercepts target method invocation.

Proxetta advices are plain java code that use special 'macro'-alike static methods from ProxyTarget class. These static method invocations will be replaced with appropriate target invocation, once when proxy subclass is created. This unique feature makes generated code not to use reflections, and therefore, very fast.

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